We found 54 results for your search.

Asteroids (1979)

By Robbie White

Released in arcades in 1970, Asteroids was Atari’s answer to Space Invaders. They must have done something right because Asteroids went on to become Atari’s all-time best seller. Asteroids took the “high score” idea and went a step further, allowing players to enter their initials when they achieved a high enough score. Asteroids was also… Continue reading Asteroids (1979)

Star Fox (1993)

By Robbie White

In 1993, Nintendo was feeling pressure from the various 32-bit consoles such as the Panasonic 3D0 and Atari Jaguar. Also their biggest competitor Sega had its new 32X system on the horizon. Nintendo’s answer was to push its Super Nintendo to the limits with the Super-FX chip. Star Fox was the first game to use… Continue reading Star Fox (1993)

The console wars

By Robbie White

Nintendo, Sega and Sony are all synonymous with video games, however none of them got their start in that industry. Nintendo started out making playing cards in 1889, Sony with electric rice cookers in 1946, and Sega with photo booths in 1954. However, it would be the gaming industry where they would face off against… Continue reading The console wars

Students vote down Health and Dental Plan fee increase

By Вen Li

By a 30 vote margin, students chose not to pay an additional $7.50 per session for insurance coverage under the Students’ Union Health and Dental plan.“There’s a chance it might end in August,” said SU Vice-President Operations Robbie White. “Students have said ‘no’ twice [to an increase]. It may not be appropriate to ask for… Continue reading Students vote down Health and Dental Plan fee increase

Celebrate U of C’s cultural diversity during International Week

By Robbie White

With about 1,200 international students at the University of Calgary, it only makes sense that we celebrate the diversity of this campus. February 3-7 is International Week, and it’s your chance to broaden your horizons and learn about the different cultures that exist here at the U of C. International week has been organized by… Continue reading Celebrate U of C’s cultural diversity during International Week

Unsolved theft details

By Вen Li

In response to criticism from Students’ Union Vice-President Robbie White last week regarding the SU Copy Centre safe heist, Campus Security Manager Lanny Fritz explained the difficulty in providing a constant presence with limited personnel. “This is a large community. There are 29,000 doors on campus, so it is impossible to check every door or… Continue reading Unsolved theft details

Refugee student program

By Вen Li

Students may get to double their support for the refugee student program in the next SU general election. The Students’ Legislative Council passed the first reading of a resolution to include the referendum question which will ask part- and full-time students for $0.50 more per session.SU Vice-President Operations and Finance Robbie White brought the motion… Continue reading Refugee student program

Den to instate cover charge

By Eric Fung

For the first time, it’s not the students that have to pay, as the Den introduces a new $2.00 cover charge for non-students on Thursday and Friday nights."The cover charge will serve a two-fold purpose," said Students’ Union Vice-President Operations and Finance Robbie White. "First, it will be a small source of revenue. Second, the… Continue reading Den to instate cover charge