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The use of complementary and alternative medicine is an increasingly popular, but dangerous trend

By Nicole Dionne

Alternative medicine consists of products or treatments used for health benefits, but is not always evidence-based. It is often based on cultural and traditional health practices or more recent disproved theories that have remained popular within certain fringe groups. Common types include homeopathy, acupuncture, herbalism and bio-identical hormone therapy. Generally speaking, complimentary medicine is less… Continue reading The use of complementary and alternative medicine is an increasingly popular, but dangerous trend

As spring comes, so does Wintersleep

By Nicole Dionne

Despite the dreary weather, Wintersleep has opted out of hibernation and has instead been hitting the road. The band has been touring relentlessly to promote the U.K. release of their third album Welcome to the Night Sky. Though touring has helped the group gain more exposure and bond, vocalist/guitarist Paul Murphy still feels the pull… Continue reading As spring comes, so does Wintersleep

Gaiman novella fails to translate to big screen

By Nicole Dionne

Henry Selick’s Coraline has all the elements it needs to be a classic, but falls disappointingly short. The film is the first stop-motion animation to be shot stereoscopically and presented in 3D. As you would expect from the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas, this element of production is used to its full creative potential,… Continue reading Gaiman novella fails to translate to big screen

Letter: SU’s sad news

By Bryan West

Editor, the Gauntlet, I’m really sad to hear about the cuts to core student services and staff [“Recession leads to campus job losses,” Nicole Dionne, Jan. 29]. These were all very good people and, in my opinion, all very good at their jobs. In addition to the cutting of the Students’ Rights Advisor, these new… Continue reading Letter: SU’s sad news

Recession leads to campus job losses

By Nicole Dionne

It was a hard goodbye for six Students’ Union staff who won’t be coming back anytime soon. An event operations supervisor, two Den and Black Lounge managers, a kitchen staff member, the Student Union Volunteer Services manager and a loading dock shipper/receiver were let go recently. SU president Dalmy Baez said that the decision was… Continue reading Recession leads to campus job losses

Science for the unnewsed

By Nicole Dionne

Study connects migranes and mental disorders A study at the University of Manitoba suggests that there may be a connection between migraines and mental disorders. The study found that 11 per cent of participants who suffered from migraines were also diagnosed with another disorder. The variety of disorders investigated in the study included major depression,… Continue reading Science for the unnewsed

Online Only: All the drama and dance to take you into the new year

By Nicole Dionne

There are less than two weeks of classes left, but it’s hard to imagine there will ever be an end to the late nights studying and writing essays. Everyone seems to be scrambling to get prepared for final exams. In all the chaos, it’s easy to forget how to relax and have some fun. Re-teach… Continue reading Online Only: All the drama and dance to take you into the new year