Concerning the coalition

By Tyler Wolfe

It tends to take a lot to get Canadians really riled up over politics. The actions of the Liberals and the NDP over the last week, however, have Canadians calling for blood. Some respectable political commentators are even referring to the proposed coalition as a coup d’etat. The Liberals, the socialists and the separatists are… Continue reading Concerning the coalition

Carleton University students face recoil after dismissing cystic fibrosis as not

By Elijah Stauth

Canadian eyes have turned to Carleton University where, early last week, the Student Association voted to drop a cystic fibrosis charity as their annual Shinearama charity beneficiary. The Carleton University Student Association supported a motion that claimed cystic fibrosis is not “inclusive” enough because it “has been recently revealed to only affect white people and… Continue reading Carleton University students face recoil after dismissing cystic fibrosis as not

Considering political correctness: Queen’s and the collapse of clear thinking

By Cam Cotton-O\’Brien

While the University of Calgary has been grappling with the incredible test of free speech posed by Campus Pro-Life, Queen’s University has been busy committing much more egregious offences in the name of political correctness. Queen’s has decided to hire and train six students as conversation facilitators to wander around residence and listen in on… Continue reading Considering political correctness: Queen’s and the collapse of clear thinking

Letter: Reconsidering Russia’s problems

By Sergey Petrov

Editor, the Gauntlet, [“Russia’s media massacre,” Tyler Wolfe, Nov. 27, Gauntlet] As one of many millions of Russians who had learned about Mrs. Politkovskaya’s work only after she had been murdered, I was quite shocked by the absurdity of accusations against Russia’s democratically elected leaders and the whole flood of anti-Russian propaganda that emerged after… Continue reading Letter: Reconsidering Russia’s problems

Letter: Walking safe

By Liam Cummings

Editor, the Gauntlet, Hello U of C! I’d like to let you know about a significant change to Safewalk this year– we’re walking off campus for the first time since our program’s inception in 1995! This is a big step for our organization and we’re pleased to be able to provide the service to our… Continue reading Letter: Walking safe

The power and the glory

By Ryan Pike

The weeks since the last Canadian federal election have been eventful, to say the least. While the world economy continues its freefall, the parties of Parliament have squabbled to the point where it is being argued that the governing Conservatives have lost the confidence of the House of Commons. What happens next remains to be… Continue reading The power and the glory

SU VP Op-Fi – Midterm Review

By Morgan Haigler

Much like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, Alex Judd seems like your soft-spoken sweetheart, very approachable and easy to please. But don’t underestimate her tenacity when it comes to taking care of business. Although she may be quieter than most, Judd goes above and beyond her role as Students’ Union vice-president of operations and finance.… Continue reading SU VP Op-Fi – Midterm Review

SU VP External – Midterm Review

By Jon Roe

Oh bother. Much like Winnie the Pooh is for the Hundred Acre Woods, Alastair MacKinnon is the outward face of the Students’ Union. As vice-president external, MacKinnon lobbies governments at all three levels to help improve student life. Because the effects and success of lobbying is long term, it’s difficult to measure whether or not… Continue reading SU VP External – Midterm Review

SU VP Events – Midterm Review

By Jordyn Marcellus

Eeyore and Students’ Union vice-president events Luke Valentine have a couple of things in common– they both have quiet, melancholic demeanours and have a tendency to not bother. Unlike Pooh’s friend, Valentine recently began to break out of his doldrums and apply himself fully. Year-round events like Cinemania, That Empty Space and Mundane Mondays have… Continue reading SU VP Events – Midterm Review

SU VP Academic – Midterm Review

By Ryan Pike

Just as Kanga watches over the denizens of Hundred Acre Wood, Students’ Union vice-president academic Pamela Weatherbee watches over the academic rights of undergraduate students and co-ordinates a brood of eager commissioners and faculty representatives. Despite the large amount of duties on her plate, Weatherbee built upon the work of her predecessors and caused significant… Continue reading SU VP Academic – Midterm Review