SU midterm reviews: VP academic Meg Martin

By Sarelle Azuelos

Megan Martin is a tall, sophisticated Martini, definitely a little more stirred than shaken. Students’ Union vice-president academic Martin, clearly the original and always a classic, has had a lot thrown her way these past few months. On top of trying to make sense of the academic appeals process and representing students in the upcoming… Continue reading SU midterm reviews: VP academic Meg Martin

SU midterm reviews: VP external Kay She

By Brent Constantin

Kay She is the raspberry long island iced tea of the Students’ Union executive; summery, fun and occasionally seen in sororities. The vice-president external has the unfortunate situation of being in office during the provincial government’s erosion of the tuition fee cap and, despite her other initiatives, will be largely judged on her ability to… Continue reading SU midterm reviews: VP external Kay She

SU midterm reviews: VP operations and finance Joey Brocke

By Noah Miller

If alcoholic beverages could morph into Students’ Union executives, than a double Jack ‘n’ coke would likely become Joey Brocke. Strong, concentrated and leagues different than the common rum counterpart, Brocke brings some serious can-do powerhouse to the vice-president operations and finance position. Even if it isn’t the most delicious project to down, governance review… Continue reading SU midterm reviews: VP operations and finance Joey Brocke

SU Reviews: VP Academic Pamela Weatherbee

By Morgan Haigler

Just as centaurs always think of their pack, Students’ Union vice-president academic Pamela Weatherbee continues to make academic programs and services an advantage for students. She may not have the upper torso of a human and the lower body of a horse, but her stamina, incredible strength and wisdom make her comparable. One of her… Continue reading SU Reviews: VP Academic Pamela Weatherbee

SU Reviews: VP External Alastair MacKinnon

By Ryan Pike

Students’ Union vice-president external Alastair MacKinnon and Bigfoot have two things in common: lots of facial hair and a tendency to be mysterious behind the scenes. MacKinnon will be retiring to the senate at the end of the month, but he’s not scurrying away from a job half-done. MacKinnon’s racked up a large list of… Continue reading SU Reviews: VP External Alastair MacKinnon

SU Reviews: VP Operations and Finance Alex Judd

By Katy Anderson

If the Students’ Union was ruled by mythical creatures, then vice-president operations and finance Alex Judd would be a fairy. Much like Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, the top job of the op-fi portfolio is often done behind the scenes. Even though swashbuckling Pan gets the glory of defeating Hook, none of it would be possible… Continue reading SU Reviews: VP Operations and Finance Alex Judd

SU Reviews: VP Events Luke Valentine

By Jordyn Marcellus

Luke Valentine’s year has been both very good and very bad. Like Edward Cullen in Twilight, vice-president events Valentine absolutely loves music. While some non-music oriented weekly events have suffered slightly under Valentine’s tenure, other big name events have boomed. His year was first marked by an incredibly successful U of C 101, which he… Continue reading SU Reviews: VP Events Luke Valentine

SU VP Academic – Midterm Review

By Ryan Pike

Just as Kanga watches over the denizens of Hundred Acre Wood, Students’ Union vice-president academic Pamela Weatherbee watches over the academic rights of undergraduate students and co-ordinates a brood of eager commissioners and faculty representatives. Despite the large amount of duties on her plate, Weatherbee built upon the work of her predecessors and caused significant… Continue reading SU VP Academic – Midterm Review