Letter: Editor, the Gauntlet: electricity rules

By Roger L. Gagne

Editor, the Gauntlet, This article [“‘Good’ advertising gone wrong,” Rinaldi Gulinao, Feb. 5] highlights a conundrum faced by most utility companies in North America: they are aware of the external social and environmental costs of generating electricity, yet how are they to tell customers to buy less of their product? And what incentive is there… Continue reading Letter: Editor, the Gauntlet: electricity rules

Online Only – Letter: Hope amongst the readership

By Spence Madden

Editor, the Gauntlet, Your publication of the story regarding [Students’ Union communications and culture facualty representative Mathew]Bladek versus the Students’ Union [“SU representative locked out of office,” Sarelle Azuelos, Jan. 29] gives me hope for the upcoming election. These “normally under the radar of the typical student” stories need to come forth during election time.… Continue reading Online Only – Letter: Hope amongst the readership

Letter: Believe in not believing

By Tristan Schorn

Editor, the Gauntlet, With regards to the article “The birth of the atheist evangelical” [Tyler Wolfe, Jan. 22] Wolfe’s comparison of the atheist bus ads with religious proselytizing is absurd. In no way does the atheist campaign tell you how to live your life or what to believe, it specifically tells you one thing not… Continue reading Letter: Believe in not believing

Letter: SU’s sad news

By Bryan West

Editor, the Gauntlet, I’m really sad to hear about the cuts to core student services and staff [“Recession leads to campus job losses,” Nicole Dionne, Jan. 29]. These were all very good people and, in my opinion, all very good at their jobs. In addition to the cutting of the Students’ Rights Advisor, these new… Continue reading Letter: SU’s sad news

Letter: Self indulgence

By Cam Cotton-O’Brien

Editor, the Gauntlet, I was deeply disturbed by all of the posters spread around the university by the Students’ Union this week. Given that there are so many candidates who say they want to increase the university’s sustainability, why the fuck are so many trees being cut down?

Letter: Of unsearching scientists

By Gunther Ostermann

Editor, the Gauntlet, Recently, the prominent scientist Stephen Hawking warned humanity that, “We’re acting with reckless indifference to our future on planet earth. It will be difficult to avoid disaster in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand or million.” Some time earlier he said that the “Doomsday Clock advanced to five minutes… Continue reading Letter: Of unsearching scientists