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VP Academic Rosie Nagra

By Вen Li

Comparing Rosie Nagra’s term to her predecessors’ is tempting but difficult due to her underwhelming performance. With the exception of the well-attended Academic Carnival in November, and her month-long prosecution of one of her commissioners, there is little to distinguish Ms. Nagra’s first seven months in office. She fulfills her committee and portfolio requirements but… Continue reading VP Academic Rosie Nagra

Nagra resigns, seeks career in dentistry

By Nicole Kobie

“We’ve misplaced our VP Academic,” proclaimed Students’ Union President Matt Stambaugh at the last Students’ Legislative Council meeting, on Tue., Jan 14. Rosie Nagra isn’t exactly lost, though, just lost to the SU. On Fri., Jan. 10, Nagra submitted her letter of resignation to Stambaugh, ending her term as VP Academic four months early. Though… Continue reading Nagra resigns, seeks career in dentistry

Nagra wins Academic

By Вen Li

Civility marked most of the Students’ Union Vice-President Academic race and the announcement of the victor. Both SU VP Academic-elect Rosie Nagra and second-place finisher Darby Semeniuk spoke highly of each other after the results were announced on Mon., March 18."I really like Darby," said Nagra. "I feel really wrong about winning over him.""I think… Continue reading Nagra wins Academic

New VP Academic

By Вen Li

Without much fanfare, Students’ Union Academic Commissioner and fourth-year Political Science student Jayna Gilchrist became the new Vice-President Academic. The Students’ Academic Assembly–empowered last week by the Student’s Legislative Council to fill the vacancy left by former VP Academic Rosie Nagra–voted 12-0 in favor of electing Gilchrist, the only candidate, on Mon., Jan. 20. Gilchrist… Continue reading New VP Academic

Non-Academic Misconduct on the rise

By Adriana Hunstad

In 2001-2002, there were 12 instances of Non-Academic Misconduct resulting in probation–triple that of the previous year. The General Faculties Council’s ad hoc Review Committee for Non-Academic Misconduct reported that the highest rates of misconduct were in the Graduate Studies and Communication and Culture faculties with three each.Students’ Union Vice-President Academic Rosie Nagra explained the… Continue reading Non-Academic Misconduct on the rise

Differential tuition plebiscite

By Вen Li

Students may get to voice their views about differential tuition in 2003 if a proposed plebiscite question to that effect is approved by the Students’ Legislative Council. Students’ Union Vice-President Academic Rosie Nagra brought the discussion item to Students’ Academic Assembly and SLC meetings on Mon., Dec. 2 and Tue., Dec. 3, respectively.“By coordinating with… Continue reading Differential tuition plebiscite

Academic fair educates students

By Kirstin Morrell

A festival atmosphere filled the MacEwan Student Centre on Wed., Nov. 6. A number of services available to students were showcased at the Students’ Union-sponsored Academic Carnival.“It’s not the same old approach to getting students to get educated about the services here,” said SU Vice-President Academic Rosie Nagra.The event featured displays from groups like the… Continue reading Academic fair educates students

Learn how to jump through hoops at the academic carnival

By Rosie Nagra

The SU View and its corresponding headline is printed without Gauntlet editorial revision, and does not reflect the views of the Gauntlet Publications Society Now that exams are beginning to take their toll, the effects of coffee are starting to wear off, and the thought of staying up to 4 a.m. studying for an exam… Continue reading Learn how to jump through hoops at the academic carnival

New A+ grading system still needs work

By Ina Sidhu

A month into the school year, even before an A+ course grade has been handed out, a number of issues with the new system have been identified.Students’ Union Vice-President Rosie Nagra believes a significant issue is the consistency of the A+ grade use throughout the University of Calgary. “It is very difficult to explain what… Continue reading New A+ grading system still needs work

Everybody loses at SLC

By Oliver Bladek

"Student politics is so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small."–Henry Kissinger.Was Kissinger ever right.Tuesday’s viciousness involved the Students’ Legislative Council as the Vice-President Academic, Rosie Nagra, brought impeachment hearings against Academic Commissioner Gavin Preston. I sat and watched, and laughed as the entire proceeding (which I might add would cost the organization more… Continue reading Everybody loses at SLC